Les Alizes. 11 December 1998

Part 1.
Photos:People Sounds: Tear my name out baby (the Internet blues), Meet the people, Presenting the group, Dig the harmonics & Bluestime.

Music by Dr Pickup
Now playing

Right click on image to see full size image.

http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Bayou/4089/al9.jpg 28.8k modem stream

A Couple
Tear my name out baby (The Internet Blues)(3 minutes and 42 seconds).

28.8k modem stream

Listen to the people talk
People presenting themselves (1 minute and 32 seconds).

28.8k modem stream

A pilgrim, Presenting the group(4 minutes 53 Seconds).

28.8k modem stream

Another pilgrim, Dig the harmonics(15 Seconds).

28.8k modem stream

Some couples , Bluestime (2 minutes and 7 Seconds).

There are 3 party pages here with 5 photos and 5 Real Audio sound clips each.
Party page 1
Photos: People
Sounds: Tear my name out baby (the Internet blues), Meet the people, Presenting the group, Dig the harmonics & Bluestime.
Party page 2
Photos: People
Sounds: Bluestime with Rashid, This is for Sophie, Wild Wild sounds, Interlude,Texas Tbone Walker walk.
Party page 3
Photos: People
Sounds: Tribute to Stevie, Tribute to James Brown pt 1&2, Slow blues, Rocking blues.
Plus some notes on getting our sounds onto the net.

The Dr Pickup Real Audio Files

To contact Dr Pickup Telephone Day 01 47 08 12 12 Evening 01 41 44 12 12

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